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August 2, 2004

Baseball Camp Helps Kids With Hearing Disabilities

From: WGAL, PA - Aug 2, 2004

LOWER ALLEN TOWNSHIP, Pa. -- The sun beats down as young athletes in Lower Allen Township, Cumberland County, learn more about America's favorite pastime.

Fantasy baseball camp began Monday.

"I enjoy it. I like to play pitcher and catcher," Spencer Chisholm said.

These athletes make an extra effort to keep their eyes on the ball, because they can't hear when the bat hits the ball.

The players are deaf or have some hearing impairment. Coaches use sign language to communicate.

"I think it's nice for kids to see that there are adults that have the same similarities as them," David Lombardi said.

"If you're in a regular team, you feel like you're left out," Brian Gomer said.

Wearing a hearing aid helps many of these kids through everyday life, but this small device also causes them some challenges.

"It's really difficult, because some kids make fun of you. They call you things behind you're back and you can't hear them," Adam Motley said.

That doesn't happen at fantasy baseball camp, and that's part of the reason this camp scores a home run with the players.

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