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June 12, 2003

Nippon Taiko Drum Group To Perform at Gallaudet University

From: Gallaudet - Jun 12, 2003

June 12, 2003

For Immediate Release

Contact: Mike Kaika, Director of Media Relations

Phone: 202-651-5050


Nippon Taiko Drum Group To Perform at Gallaudet University

Washington, DC—The world-famous Taiko drummers from the Nippon Taiko Foundation will perform a concert in the Elstad Auditorium on Monday, June 30 at 7:30 p.m. Admission is free and tickets can be obtained from the Gallaudet Public Relations Office by calling 202-651-5505 (V/TTY) between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Taiko, the Japanese Drum, is as old as the country of Japan itself and is considered both educational and cultural. It still succeeds in stirring the spirit of both the drummers and their audience. The group is comprised of about six deaf performers and four hearing performers. In recent years Taiko drumming has gained in popularity abroad and international concert tours are held annually.

The Nippon Foundation devotes itself, since its founding in 1962, to philanthropic goals supporting primarily efforts of those striving for independence. Nippon Foundation, as a non-governmental organization, continues to take the lead and the initiative in undertaking numerous activities that contribute in part to the realization of a better and more prosperous world.

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